» Let The Right One In
Without theatre, cinema would be nothing at all – so in my view it’s always important to be thankful for theatre and its legacy. Before the invention of film and television, books and theatre were the only comparable means of storytelling entertainment; and these had worked well for thousands of years. Nowadays, if a play [...]
» London Super Comic Con
This past weekend, i was lucky enough to nab myself a ticket to London Super Comic Con, at the ExCeL centre. Being a huge fan of all things comic related since the age of about 10, and even having one of my pieces about a girl falling in love with a tree published (don’t hate, it was [...]
» The Circus Of Horrors – Day Of The Dead
The circus brings out a kind of primordial fear in me. When I see scrawny people swallowing swords, or full grown men with painted faces performing slapstick, or gymnasts dressed in spandex balancing on top of each other, my gut response is not to clap and eat popcorn but to think : Kill them. Kill them with fire.